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Zen Cart
离上次发布的开发计划已经有一段时间了,但这并不表示Zen Cart停滞不前,其实社区和团队开发都非常活跃。
过去几年我们内部变化很大,不仅是代码,而且是开发方式。主要是因为PA-DSS认证,尽快很“痛苦”,但是我们很自豪 ...
Zen Cart 是第一个也是仅有的完全通过PA-DSS认证的开源购物车。
Cart 深知这个趋势,非常注重采用这些新技术以便让店家能够在商业活动中使用。我们很高兴您和我们一起发展。
谈谈发展 …
v2.0 已经开发好几年了,我们注意到全球成千上万的店家在使用 v1.x
版本 v1.5.0a
版本 v1.5.0b
版本v1.6.0 - 一个全新的模板
a) 我们正在为版本v1.6准备一个全新的模板
b) 更新 HTML 邮件的样式
c) 后台管理界面的改善
d) 以及其它一些修改... 我们也会在v1.6改进一些功能/更正错误等。
我们希望发布这个版本的时间不太长,因此会在版本 v1.5.0a/v1.5.0b 后不久发布。我们会尽快发布
版本 2.0
那么版本 v2.0呢?
版本v2.0的开发有进展,我们甚至准备提交PA-DSS认证了。但是,基于我们持续开发 v1.x
Once again it's been a while since we posted any updates to our Roadmap. But
that doesn't mean there hasn't been lots going on with Zen Cart, both actively
in the ZC community as well as behind the scenes.
The last couple of years have seen some major internal changes for us, not
just to code, but also the way we do development. Most of that was prompted by
PA-DSS certification, and despite the 'pain' involved, we are extremely proud
that …
Zen Cart is the first and only free open source E-Commerce system that is
fully PA-DSS certified.
One of these days we will post/blog a bit about what's been involved from our
side to get that certification.
The e-Commerce space has seen many changes and new trends emerge in the last
couple of years as well, including exciting topics such as Mobile Payments,
HTML5, Responsive Design, etc. These, and many more, promise to re-shape the
landscape of ecommerce into an even more powerful and dominant staple of
worldwide business. We at Zen Cart are very much aware of these topics, and have
every intention of embracing these emerging technologies and empowering
storeowners to leverage these things in their businesses. We're glad you're with
us and look forward to the road ahead.
Speaking of what's ahead …
While we have been actively working on v2 for a few years,
one thing we are acutely aware of is that there are thousands of merchants
around the world who are reliant on our v1.x code and who want us to keep
supporting them, whether that is just bug fixing or new features and performance
enhancements. As such we are committed to not only our current v1.5 product but
also to future releases based on the v1.xx architecture. More on v2 below.
Given that, we would like to share what our short-term roadmap is for
This is due for release a.s.a.p.
It consists mainly of bug
fixes for v1.5.0 as well as some performance enhancements.
Note: This update
will *not* be submitted for official PA-DSS certification, since most of its
changes have little or no impact to PA-DSS, and are largely optional anyway.
Read on.
If necessary, we *may* also release a v1.5.0b fairly shortly after
the v1.5.0a release. This will cover any regression errors in v1.5.0a plus some
other outstanding minor bug fixes that we still have in our Change Management
This update will also not be submitted for PA-DSS certification, for
same reasons as stated above.
Now for the 'good stuff'...
v1.6.0 - Primarily sporting A NEW TEMPLATE
a) We are currently working on a whole new updated template for v1.6.
have long been aware that the look of our current "default" out-of-the-box
"classic" template is old fashioned, rather drab, and doesn't present our core
product in the best of light. Well, that's changing soon!
The new template sports the following important features:
a new modern look and feel
built specifically for HTML5, will be able to
take advantage of CSS3 features where appropriate.
responsive, and therefore
works just as well on mobile/tablet displays as on desktops.
easier to skin
and adapt to custom requirements. There are even plans to prepare a style-guide
to help designers put together their custom template updates more quickly and
lightbox for product images.
jQuery support built-in.
and much
b) Even the HTML-formatted emails are getting a face-lift too.
c) And a
little love behind-the-scenes with the admin interface.
d) And the list could
go on... We will be doing some feature tweaking/bug fixing for v1.6 as well.
After an initial BETA release, it will be submitted for PA-DSS certification
testing, and it is our intention that v1.6 will be PA-DSS certified (although it
may take some time before it is officially stamped).
We are hoping the time scale for this release will be short, so
should follow along after v1.5.0a/v1.5.0b fairly quickly. We intend to put 1.6.0
out soon. That's the plan.
There's still a lotta work to do on it yet, so
please don't ask us for a release date!
Beyond v1.6
As we said earlier, it is our intention to keep supporting
this platform for awhile yet, until v2 is truly ready and released into active
production abroad. That means there will be other releases after v1.6.0. Some
will be simply bug fixing, but we also envisage some feature enhancements and
performance tuning.
Version 2
So what about v2?
Though we've been accused otherwise,
honestly it is *not* vapourware. It is very real … and work on v2 has been
progressing, even given the focus that we have had to give to PA-DSS. However,
given our commitment to continue ongoing development for the v1.x series, that
leaves us with limited resources to make major progress with v2. We will
therefore be looking at ways we can increase the resources we have available to
work on v2, and you can expect to see some announcements in the coming months
regarding that.
We are excited about the work currently in progress, the upcoming new
releases and the new default template. Stay tuned for more updates and official
release announcements.